Downs Turf

ABN 47 695 025 332

Downs Turf has been growing turf on the Downs for 25 years, varieties include Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo. We have over 24 years of experience. We provide services to Toowoomba and its surrounding area. We are locally owned and operated. With our work experience we provide fully satisfied and quality service. Downs Turf specialises in three main varieties of turf each variety has different features but all are suitable for the Downs. Downs Turf has no minimum order requirement for on farm pick up. Downs Turf provides grass to grow and give enjoyment for the family while providing colour and cooling in summer.

Office hours Open 7 days

Turf available in: Turf slabs

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Turf varieties available

Common buffalograss

Stenotaphrum secundatum

Common kikuyu

Pennisetum clandestinum

Santa Ana

Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis


Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis


Cynodon dactylon